Clinics & Services

Shown below is a list of activities available from the surgery. The aim of the Health Promotion Clinics is to prevent rather than treat illness. To make an appointment please telephone 01382 458333 or enquire at reception.

Asthma/Chest Clinic (Daily)
It is important to have your Asthma monitored at least annually. Please make an appointment for an Asthma check with our Practice nurses, Debbie Whitton or Karen Mitchell.

Baby and Child Surveillance 
With the doctor and Health Visitor in attendance. These clinics are for well babies.

Baby and Child Immunisation
Your child will be invited by NHS Tayside to attend for childhood immunisations

Cervical Smears/Well-Woman Clinic (Daily)
Sessions are run by our Practice Nurses. This involves a short health check and advice about healthier lifestyle.

COPD Clinic (By arrangement) 
Chronic lung condition usually associated with smoking.  Are you?                     

  •  40 or over?
  • Smoke or have smoked in the past?
  • Suffer from breathing problems?
  • Use inhalers to help you breath?

Then – the practice can help. Please make an appointment at our COPD Clinic run by one of our specially trained practice nurses, where you will be offered an assessment of your lung function. During these sessions you will receive information about your health condition with advice on optimum treatment. Please come to this clinic when you receive our letter of invitation.

Cryotherapy Clinic 
Treatment of warts and simple skin lesions – see doctor prior to requesting appointment. Not suitable for children under 9 years.

Diabetic Clinic 
Diabetics are reviewed regularly in the Practice Clinics and at Ninewells Hospital. If you have not been seen at either of these clinics in the last year please inform Debbie Whitton, Practice Nurse.        

Emergency Contraception (Daily)
(Morning after pill)  this is available up to three days from the time of intercourse. Please tell Receptionist if you need to see a doctor urgently about this. Confidentiality will be respected.

Family Planning
A comprehensive service is available from our Practice Nurse, Karen Mitchell, who will discuss all alternative forms of contraception with you. If you are planning a pregnancy your doctor would be happy to discuss all you need to know about having a healthy pregnancy.   

Heart Clinic (By arrangement)
We run clinics for patients with a history of heart attacks.  These clinics allow us to review current medication to ensure that patients receive optimum treatment following an attack and/or heart disease. It also provides us with the opportunity to discuss the importance of lifestyle issues such as exercise and diet. Once seen patients are recalled on an annual basis.

Keep Well

The practice continues to be involved in the Keep Well project, a new health programme designed to keep you as well as possible.

If you receive an invitation to attend the assessment either by phone or by letter, we strongly advise you to take up the offer. 

There is more information available on the following websites

Maternity Care (Daily)
If you think you’re pregnant make an appointment with the Practice Nurse. Bring a sample of urine with you. 

Minor Surgery (Daily) 
The doctors or nurses perform some minor operations/procedures thus avoiding the need to go to hospital. See doctor prior to requesting appointment. 


Stop Smoking
To book a place contact the Tayside Smoking Helpline on 0845 600 9996

Nurse Led Clinic (Daily)

Did you know that we have a nurse led clinic every day. Please advise the receptionist if you have any of the following:

  • Urinary Infections
  • Sore throat
  • Flare up or problems with Asthma/COPD


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